Post filled under : Featured
I took my boys yesterday to visited the new Portland aquarium and took a few shots while I was there. It is a very small aquarium and I probably wont be going again. It was worth the one time to check it out with the kiddos. Maybe a few years from now it will be Read more ..
I recently had the opportunity to try something new Band Photography! Of course I loved it got to see an awesome band in concert and take there photos. The whole family got to go and my 6 yr old had a blast too. The band is local “Damn Glad to meet you” from Portland Oregon. Read more ..
I got the official news that I have been accepted into the F.I.L.M Project as a Volunteer Photographer. Not only is this a honor but an exciting way to give back to the community and its people. If you would love to learn more on what the F.I.L.M Project is please visit there Facebook group Read more ..
Portland Oregon, view from Pittock mansion! What a great way to speand a day. Went up to enjoy the view on one of the best days this year with my son and aunt. took a few photos. Then we where off to vancouver for the rest the day. This image is available for purchase as Read more ..
YAHOO! Hosting sucks! my complete blog data base was deleted and for days now it was telling me the server is not available.. It even disappeared from the mysql database.. which means if I can not find a backup at home …. well the blog may be starting from scratch…. let me tell you I’m Read more ..
The Nikon D300 is equipped with Nikon’s newly developed Multi-CAM 3500DX autofocus module, which features the world’s largest number of focus points a amazing 51 AF Points. The system selects the focus point that best applies to the subject, demonstrating an outstanding level of precision, even when shooting in constantly changing conditions. The 51 densely Read more ..
What is White balance (WB)? To answer that question White Balance is a process of removing unrealistic color casts to render objects which appear white in person white in your photo. To get the proper camera white balance one’s equipment has to take into account the “color temperature” of a light source. This means the Read more ..
My street Originally uploaded by Broken _Perfection A simple photo walk this evening. I shot a few flowers, changing leafs, and what not. The funny thing is the shot i took of the street sign was my favorite one out of the bunch. I need to get me a cheep filter, electrical tape and a Read more ..
The S Mode on your Nikon D300 does not stand for Sport. In fact it stands for Shutter-priority Auto (S). This setting allows you to choose a specific shutter speed while the camera adjusts the aperture to ensure a correct exposure. When do you oped to use the Shutter priority mode? Well when you are Read more ..
There are many types of diffusers out there with one of them being the well known Gary Fong Lightspheres. Yes, I do own a Gary Fong light sphere II cloud. I have several Diffusers one Gary Fong, Two fake Gary Fong Light spheres, Opak cap Diffuser, and the one attached to My Speed light. All Read more ..