Portland Aquarium

Hermit CrabI took my boys yesterday to visited the new Portland aquarium and took a few shots while I was there.  It is a very small aquarium and I probably wont be going again. It was worth the one time to check it out with the kiddos.  Maybe a few years from now it will be better as it is quit new.Jelly Fish

It is a very small aquarium with over feed animals as they after you to purchase food to feed the sharks, raysOcto, other fish.  As small as the place is and crowded form people visiting the fish are way over feed as they don’t touch the food you put into the tanks. There was so much food floating in the tanks they where netting it out constantly.

It was fun for the kids as they got to pet the sharks and rays. While I tried to weave through the crowd to take a few pictures of the sea animals. If you wish to view these images bigger you can click on the individually or visit the Portfolio or Prints section of the website.


Filled Under : Featured , Portland Oregon

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